Time: 2018-12-07
Email Us:dingli@dlbio-dryer.com
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Drying of poultry manure material is a complex process and every component of the poultry manure dryer equipment system is properly designed to affect the product quality of the dried product. Dingli's poultry manure dryer manufacturers has the market and user feedback for needs of poultry manure dryer equipment products upgrade.
New type of poultry manure dryer equipment replaced by rolling bearings to avoid the phenomenon of oil spills. Change the structure of the lifting plate when the cylinder is changed so as to make the material high enough to fully exchange heat with the high temperature hot gas to improve the thermal efficiency. New poultry manure dryer after the transformation of the stove and coal injection system to extend the combustion chamber, raised fire wall. After the transformation of the stove to burn more fully, fast ignition, slag was significantly reduced.