Yunnan potato residue dryer installation and commissioning site

Time: 2019-01-26 Author: Dingli Group


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Today, the author once again shared the current dryer project of Dingli: Yunnan potato residue dryer project, the project is currently in the installation and commissioning, the following is the site installation and commissioning site map.

This is the second time that Yunnan customers have purchased our potato dregs dryer equipment. After the equipment arrived in Yunnan, our installation and commissioning engineers immediately started related work. At present, our installation team strictly follows the established plan to promote the work. The cooperation between the staff and the enterprise customers is very smooth. Our technical engineers pay attention to the details at the scene, deal with the unexpected problems in time, ensure the quality of the project and keep up with the progress, and strive to complete the installation work as soon as possible. The work is progressing smoothly. It is expected that the project will be in progress. Completion within the specified period.

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