Chicken manure drying equipment is mainly used in large and small farms, which can dry chicken manure quickly and is easy to store.
The purpose of the
Chicken Manure Dryer is to dry the chicken manure and re-add the dried chicken manure to the fertilizer accessories: fish feed, fruit tree feed, etc. The biggest performance characteristics of chicken manure dryer are dust removal and deodorization. Fresh chicken manure can change pig feed, the waste product is also organic fertilizer. Chicken manure dryer can dry manure up to 70%-80% water content to 13%. The water content of feces. The entire process of running the chicken manure dryer is fully enclosed. That is to reduce the pollution of the environment and play a role in energy conservation and environmental protection. Chicken manure dryer is the necessary equipment for making pure chicken manure organic fertilizer. At present, the demand for organic fertilizer is huge, and it has its foothold in many fields.
Dingli company has more than 16 years of experience in R&D and production and trade, and the new chicken manure dryer currently launched is more energy efficient.
Chicken Manure Drying Equipment is suitable for large, medium and small chicken farms and areas with the relatively developed aquaculture industry. Different heat sources can be used according to the requirements of drying products. The machine is suitable for chicken manure, duck manure, poultry manure, livestock waste, etc. with water content less than 65%, which has good effects on opening up feed resources, reducing feeding costs and reducing environmental pollution. The chicken manure drying unit adopts the blade stirring and drying method, which has high thermal efficiency and can complete the deodorization and insecticidal sterilization of the material at one time without destroying the quality of the finished product. The machine can dry the material once to less than 14%. For more details, please contact us.