Dingli Beer Yeast Dryer win the reputation for its excellent quality

Time: 2019-12-13 Author: Dingli Group

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In the field of aquaculture, brewer yeast is widely used as feed additives. For example, yeast culture can be fed to livestock directly. Feed yeast contains abundant nutrients helpful for the growth and immunity of livestock. Yeast with abundant trace elements can provide a necessary trace element for livestock. The cell wall of yeast can improve the micro-environment of the intestine as a kind of effective immune enhancer. Therefore, the collection and utilization of brewer yeast through our Yeast Dryer products could create considerable benefits for the economic, environment and society. 
With its excellent quality and reputation, Dingli BSG and Beer Yeast Dryer win the favor of the large brewery manufacturers, establish and maintain a good cooperative relationship with the world's many breweries. More than 200 sets of BSG and beer yeast dryers running now in more than 60 countries in Europe, America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania.

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