Dingli Chicken Manure Dryer for Organic Fertilizer Process

Time: 2020-02-26 Author: Dingli Group

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Chicken manure drying equipment is mainly used in large and small farms, which can dry 70%-80% moisture chicken manure quickly up to 13%, and is easy to store. The Chicken Manure Dryer  can dry the chicken manure and re-add the dried chicken manure to the fertilizer accessories, fish feed, fruit tree feed, etc.

The advantages of chicken manure dryer are dust removal and deodorization, which can reduce the pollution of the environment and play a role in energy conservation and environmental protection.

Dingli Chicken Manure Dryer is the necessary equipment for making organic fertilizer. Chicken Manure Drying Equipment is suitable for large, medium and small chicken farms and areas with the relatively developed aquaculture industry. Different heat sources can be used according to the requirements of drying products. Welcome to consult online for more information.

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