How much is a hay dryer? What is the purpose of the pasture dryer?

Time: 2023-03-10 Author: Dingli Group


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Forage Dryer Small-scale dryer is a general term for small-scale forage drying equipment, with a daily processing capacity of 10-100 tons, a small footprint, and low input costs. It is suitable for small and medium-sized forage processing plants to be put into use.

Forage dryer small dryer price

How much is the price of a small dryer for pasture dryer? There is no accurate quotation in the market. Factors such as the size of the forage dryer equipment, supporting schemes, regional differences, and market demand will also affect the price of the forage dryer. The price of forage dryers with different configurations and models is different. Friends can provide their own production needs, and the manufacturer's technical staff will recommend suitable models and production configurations for you, and obtain accurate quotations.

Dingli pasture dryer equipment is suitable for drying elephant grass, alfalfa grass, wheat straw, barley straw, oat straw, rye straw, rice straw, sorghum straw, corn straw, potato vines, bean stems, etc. 45-75 % Drying of pasture straw.

Zhengzhou Dingli specializes in the production of pasture dryers, which can provide a complete set of pasture crushing-drying-forming/packing equipment, direct supply from the factory, free on-site installation and commissioning, technical guidance, etc.

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